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Iniz provides a few primitives to describe state: atom/store, effect and computed.


To create a state, call atom() with first argument as initial value.

If you use TypeScript, Iniz already infers the inital value as type. You can optionally pass in a type as generic.

You can then call an "Atom" as function to get it's value. To update it, simply pass the value in the function call.

import { atom } from "@iniz/core";

const counter = atom<number>(0);

// Updating counter value to 10

document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `Counter: ${counter()}`;


atom is actually a variation of store that accepts non-object values.

store() itself only accepts object / array, and does not need function call to access its value. You can also define setters inside store itself.

You can also include an atom / store in another atom / store, and it will get auto-unwrapped. Update to child/parent is reflected on both sides.

import { atom, store } from "@iniz/core";

const email = atom('');

const form = store({
  name: '',
  reset() { = 'Tom Cruise'; = ''; // Notice you won't need function call to update atom value

form.reset(); = '';

document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `Name: ${} <br /> Email: ${} <br /> Atom: ${email()}`;


After an atom is declared, it's value can be tracked with an effect.

effect() accepts function as argument and executes it once immediately.

During execution, it collects all atom's used, and triggers again whenever the atom's are updated.

import { atom, effect } from "@iniz/core";

const counter = atom<number>(0);

// Here we increment counter every second
setInterval(() => counter(counter() + 1), 1000);

effect(() => {
  document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `Counter: ${counter()}`;

To dispose an effect, simply call the dispose function that effect returns.

import { atom, effect } from "@iniz/core";

const counter = atom<number>(0);

// Here we increment counter every second
setInterval(() => counter(counter() + 1), 1000);

const dispose = effect(() => {
  document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = `Counter: ${counter()}`;

  if (counter() === 10) {
    document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = "Reached 10!";


You can also combine atoms to become a computed value.

computed accepts a function as well. But unlike effect, it returns an atom with computed value.

import { atom, effect, computed } from "@iniz/core";

const counter = atom<number>(0);
const message = computed(() => {
  if (counter() < 10) {
    return `Counter: ${counter()}`;

  return `Reached 10!`;

// Here we increment counter every second
setInterval(() => counter(counter() + 1), 1000);

effect(() => {
  document.getElementById("app").innerHTML = message();